Microsoft Sharepoint Out-of-the-box (OOTB) development
HDS’s deep understanding of SharePoint's OOTB functionality is another key reason why our customers think of us trusted professionals. Leveraging document libraries, custom lists, and OOTB workflows are always at the forefront of any of our development life cycles when implementing a SharePoint solution for a client. Our understanding of the extent to which SharePoint is configurable, HDS continually demonstrates how OOTB functionality can be leveraged. HDS uses the 70/30 rule when developing solutions for customers within SharePoint. Normally 70 percent of the requirements can be delivered by OOTB features with 30 percent being delivered by custom integration components. HDS then works with our customers to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) to calculate if our customers want to spend development resources for the address the remaining enhancements.
In a traditional software setting, using OOTB features meant that developers would reuses components that come with the platform rather than creating new components. This is where SharePoint breaks the traditional development molds.